5 Things You Need When Traveling with Your Dog

Are you preparing to take a roadtrip with your dog? There is no adventure like the one we take with our furry pals but things can go sideways if you don't have everything you need.
The MOST important thing you need to be stocked up on is water. The average dog will need to drink their body weight in ounces of water each day. That means if you have a 50lb dog you need almost 3 regular size water bottles each day just for your dog!
If you're going to be hiking or doing any outdoor activity, the amount they need could change drastically. Plan to have enough water for the day and always know where you're going to stock up next. We recommend having a water bottle that you can refill just for your dog!
Emergency Leash
Anything can happen when you're on a trip. You don't want to be caught without a leash. Then you'll spend the day looking for a new one. I've only had one experience with this and I swore I would never let it happen again!
We were traveling from Nevada to North Carolina and while our dog was in the backseat she bit through the leash. We didn't realize until we got to the gas station to let her out and we had to use the strap from our duffel bag to let her out to relieve herself!
Don't get caught without an emergency leash!
You know how much food your dog eats each day. Multiply that by how many days you'll be away and add enough for a few days extra. There are a million reasons that you might need extra food whether it's your car breaks down or you want to spend an extra few nights somewhere.
You'll need a bag large enough to carry all that food, especially if you're going to be traveling more than a few days. Plus you'll need to bring bowls for them to eat or drink from. Don't waste your time with a ziploc bag or plastic grocery bag. You'll want to store everything conveniently in a travel dog food bag.
This is one that you can't forget! Every dog is different but you'll know what you need. Just don't forget it! Make sure to store it somewhere safe so that you don't lose it and end up having to try and find a veterinarian in a town you don't know anything about!
Travel Dog Bag
You need a place to store all of your dog's necessities in one safe place. The Pup2Point Travel Dog Bag has enough storage space to make sure that you can carry everything your dog needs in one bag. Plus, it has an emergency backpack strap/leash in case you find yourself in a situation where you need a back up leash.
You can use your travel dog bag to store up to 50 cups of food and it has two interior pockets so you can store the food separately from their toys and water bottle. The lower pocket is structured so that you can fit collapsible silicone bowls and a scoop. The bag has a front pocket that is perfect to store medicine and treats as well!
If you're about to head out on a trip with your dog then you need to store all your necessities in the Pup2Point Travel Dog Bag. Prepare your Pup for Adventure with the Pup2Point Travel Dog Bag.
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